Reiki Reiki is a Japanese technique to help promote healing, stress reduction and relaxation. You receive the treatment by the position of my hands over your chakras which help to release blocked energies and renew our life force. If your "life force energy" is low, then you are...
Seichim SKHM Seichim SKHM is a form of Universal energy that was originally used for healing purposes in Ancient Egypt. This energy treats on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, with a focus on the heart centre. It is similar to Reiki but operates on a higher vibration and release...
Crystal Healing Crystal healing is a combination of spiritual healing techniques in conjunction with crystals. It is the ancient art of laying on of stones to cleanse the aura and to balance and release energy blockages, as well as boost positive energy and the bodys ability to heal. The cry...
Reflexology In reflexology I see your feet as a reflection of your entire body and state of being. By applying pressure to specific parts of your feet it can have a different effect on the corresponding part of your body. Be it relaxing, releasing a block or soothing an ache. Reflexology is...
Nutritional Therapy: Finding out which foods are eating you rather than giving you, health & vitality. How we react to foods or stress are completely different, in Nutritional therapy we treat each person as an individual & each programme is tailored to your needs, likes / dislikes, using...
Shamanic Healing I have an original and unique way of looking at connecting to the lower astral realms and been able to bring forth the healing that is needed for your highest good at a level you are comfortable with. I am a vessel that creates this sacred space to allow you to open ...
Land and house healing and clearing. It’s normally takes between 1.5hr to 3hrs (depending on size of site and house). Which entails balancing of geopathic stress and ley lines. Removing any energetic blocks that are found, and returning those souls, that may be held within the en...
Rahanni Celestial Healing 'Rahanni' helps balance the masculine and feminine aspects of every man, woman and child. It is possible to release our fears and any negative energy that we accumulate from our experiences on this earth. It will help us with communication and to gain c...